Monday, April 23, 2007


We saw a lot of AMAZING men in the last couple of weeks, enough to make Joey and I start seriously thinking about making a straight play, something American and classic, just to accomodate all of these stunning men. And whatever Alabama Shakes MFA program is selling, I'm buying. We saw a couple of guys from that school who were absolutely stunning. Their voices are like butter and they have presence and energy and yowza. I'm not usually one to applaud the theater grad school system here, but these guys maybe changed my mind...

Despite seeing fifty or so gorgeous talented wonderful men, we could only choose one for Hippolytus. We are so thrilled to welcome the incredible and talented Joe Curnutte to the cast.

In other news, on Saturday night we participated off-off Broadway dance off. It was part of a fundraiser for Terra Nova, a company I don't know, but they seem like fun people (the leader of the pack did an amazing Jennifer Beals/Flashdance number. He had great legwarmers...). Allison Prouty grabbed me at her show last weekend and asked me if we would like to participate. To which I replied, "Dude. We will mop the floor with the other companies."

Which we would have. If the other companies, well one company in particular, hadn't played dirty. FILTHY.

We were up against Groove Mama, a company that is run by my buddy Kara and another company who I didn't know. We went first and I will say it... Laura Lee, Marissa, Jen, Kim, and Joey rocked hard. They did My Humps from LA FEMME, ammended slightly for girl-on-girl action (we added in a Showgirls reference). They shook their humps and their lumps and the audience went wild. Mando led the cheering. Charles looked flustered and embarassed. They warmed the room for the next performers. I was so proud.

The next group did an acoustic number from their show. They were high energy and fun.

And then Groove Mama came out, looking like the drag queens they are, in low cut dresses, gloves, boas, etc...and they stripped. All the way down to tap pants and pasties. That's right, pasties. And they swung that shit around. They swung it so hard that a certain husband of a certain Groove Mama said he worried they were going to fly right off. And he wasn't talking about the sequined pasties.

They won. Of course they won. They got their tits out. Our intricate well-rehearsed hip hop number with its tongue-in-cheek irony couldn't compare with tits. Hell, Jen even cheered for them. And they used a fan, an idea we will, of course, be stealing.

It wasn't such a harsh loss. I got to bury my face in Kara's boobs. Which was...ahem...nice. And I was reminded of something I have always believed. You can get anything if you get naked. Really. Nudity will always be rewarded in some form, even be it just for having the balls to show the skin. Later an audience member who had cheered for us told us that we shouldn't trust the masses. But I think the masses are the only thing we can trust. It's the only thing I believe in anymore. A group of people cheering for the most gaudy, the most garish, the most terrible, the most wonderful. When the crowd speaks, you listen. And on Saturday night the crowd was saying WE LOVE TITS.

Next time we'll be butt ass naked, let me tell you.

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